Tuesday 22 November 2011

I chose to cut the wiring to the tour pac (18 individual wires) and install deutch plugs, some people just connect or disconnect as needed and leave the whole wiring harness under the seat. Red wiring in the top left is for the new amp, red RCA style connectors on the bottom right are for the antenna (I'll change it to a proper connector this winter) and the blue connectors are for the speakers in the lowers.

I made up my own antenna bracket, I still can't figure out how the one that came with the extra wiring kit was supposed to work. By the way hold off on buying that kit, the only part I used out of it was the thumb screw for the seat.

I used the kit from Harley, it went together without any problems. This shows the bracket that the tour pac mounts on. 

 This is the same bracket with magnetic caps on the posts.

This is the wiring to the tour pack and the speaker pods I had to cut, I used duetch connectors but there are cheaper alternatives out there.

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